Meet the Coastal Voices Community
Choir of Santa Maria, California.
The mission of Coastal Voices is to bring the joy of choral music to our community.
We are a true community choir, unaffiliated with other organizations.
Please call us (805-517-4645) if you would like
to advertise in our concert program!
Or click on the ad form image below to download the PDF form, then fill it out and and mail it with a check for your preferred ad size and your ad copy to our mailing address above.

Coastal Voices performs four concerts per year, presenting a dazzling variety of music to our community (see some of our past concerts here). Our small caroling group entertains local clubs and organizations during the holiday season, including performing at the annual Santa Maria Tree Lighting ceremony the last several years. Coastal Voices is a true community choir, unaffiliated with other organizations. Our members are drawn from all ages and walks of life. This diversity of musical experiences is one of our greatest attributes. We share the love of song and the mission of extending the joy of choral music to our community.
We rehearse Monday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Saint Andrew United Methodist Church, 3945 S. Bradley Road, Santa Maria, California. We would love to have you come and check us out! We only ask that you can carry a tune and that you love to sing—no audition is required—just show up!
If simple enjoyment isn’t motivation enough, consider this: a new study by Tenovus Cancer Care and the Royal College of Music, which tested members of five different choirs, found that singing for one hour was associated with significant reductions in stress hormones, and increases in quantities of immune system proteins which can boost the body’s ability to fight serious illness. Dr Ian Lewis, Director of Research and Policy at Tenovus Cancer Care and co-author of the research, said: “We’ve long heard anecdotal evidence that singing in a choir makes people feel good, but this is the first time it’s been demonstrated that the immune system can be affected by singing.”
Singing is good for you, and just look how much fun we’re having! What are you waiting for?
If you do not sing but still want to be involved, we need volunteers to help with performances and events. Please give us a call at (805) 51SING5 (805-517-4645), or use the contact form below.
Each season we sell advertising in our concert programs to defray some of our costs. If you would like to be a concert advertiser or group sponsor, please contact us using the form below!
Coastal Voices Board of Directors and Volunteers
Juliann Hemphill, Artistic Director
Vincent Pillow, President
Ellen Pillow, Vice President/Secretary
Kerry Marcu, Treasurer
Margaret Nelson, Assistant Director
Ed Avila, Member at Large
Marjorie Gjerdrum-Hord, President Emeritus
Marianne Greenelsh, President Emeritus
Mary Lou Los and Sandi Nutile, House Managers
Coastal Voices is a California Registered
Nonprofit Corporation with
IRS 501(c)3 status, EIN #30-0230313